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How to Make a Mobile Landing Page + Best Practices

How to Make a Mobile-Friendly, Responsive Landing Page in WordPress 

Written By: author image Stacey Corrin
author image Stacey Corrin
Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.
     Reviewed By: John Turner
reviewer image John Turner
John Turner is the co-founder of SeedProd. He has over 20+ years of business and development experience and his plugins have been downloaded over 25 million times.

Want to know how to make a mobile landing page for your WordPress website?

We’ve all been there – trying to browse a site on your phone with half the page missing off the side of the screen. It’s the same for links that are so small you can hardly tap them. Those pages? They’re clearly not optimized for mobile devices. Let’s change that.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to make a mobile-friendly landing page that’s both user-friendly and high-converting.

Why Make Your Landing Page Mobile-Friendly?

You need to make your landing page mobile-friendly because over half of all website traffic comes from smartphones. Research suggests that 47% of consumers expect sites to load in 2 seconds or less, and 40% would abandon those that take more than 3 seconds.

KissMetrics page abandonment statistics

Plus, Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search results. So, if your landing page is mobile-friendly, you can reach more potential customers and keep them on your page long enough to take action.

How to Make a Mobile Landing Page in WordPress

There are two main paths for creating mobile-friendly landing pages in WordPress:

  1. Using a landing page builder plugin like SeedProd that generates responsive layouts.
  2. Coding your own custom responsive layout from scratch using HTML, CSS, and mobile-first principles.

We’ll cover the easiest method in this guide, the SeedProd plugin approach.

SeedProd Drag and Drop WordPress website builder

With SeedProd, you can create any landing page in WordPress without writing code. It comes with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder and hundreds of responsive landing page templates that make building a mobile page a breeze.

SeedProd integrates seamlessly with top email marketing services to grow your email list. You can also connect to thousands of third-party applications via Zapier.

Best of all, SeedProd is lightning fast. Unlike other WordPress page builders, SeedProd is optimized for speed, so it won’t slow down your page load times. It also works with any WordPress theme.

Follow the steps below to learn how to make a mobile landing page using SeedProd.

Step 1. Install SeedProd Landing Page Builder Plugin

First, you’ll need to install and activate the SeedProd plugin on your WordPress website. If you need help doing this, you can see this guide on installing SeedProd Pro.

Note: There’s a free version of SeedProd available that lets you create a free landing page. For this guide, I’ll use the pro version because it offers more template options and blocks.

After installation, a screen will appear asking you to enter your license key details. You can find your license key in your SeedProd account dashboard.

Activate the seedprod maintenance mode plugin

Paste your license key into the field provided, and click the Verify Key button.

Step 2. Choose a Mobile-Responsive Template

Once you’ve entered your license key, scroll down to the page until you see the “Create Your First Page” button.

Create your first seedprod landing page

Clicking the button takes you to the landing page dashboard and click the Add New Landing Page button.

Add a new landing page in WordPress

Here, you’ll see a library of landing page templates that are designed to be mobile-responsive out of the box. You can filter the templates by type by clicking any of the filters at the top of the page.

seedprod landing page templates

When choosing a template, pay close attention to how the layout and elements will adapt on smaller screens. Avoid templates with cramped designs, tiny text, or excessive columns/sections that may not render well on mobile.

For the best mobile experience, look for templates with a simple, single-column layout, large touch-friendly buttons, and ample spacing between elements.

It’s also possible to edit any template to suit your business needs, so choose any template that fits what you’re looking for. For my example, I chose the Mobile App Sales Page template.

Mobile app sales page template

Just hover your mouse over the template thumbnail and click the tick icon to choose it.

A popup lightbox will then appear, asking you to enter your page name and URL. Don’t worry; you can change this later in the page settings.

give your mobile landing page a name and url

Now click the Save and Start Editing the Page button to launch the drag-and-drop builder.

Step 3. Customize Your Landing Page For Mobile

Upon launching your page, it will load a visual drag-and-drop interface where you can customize the template’s content and design.

how to make a mobile landing page in WordPress using SeedProd

On the left are landing page blocks for adding various elements like images, text, buttons, and more. The right preview pane shows how your page will look in real-time as you build it.

SeedProd landing page blocks

When customizing for mobile, there are several key areas to focus on:

Mobile Menus

SeedProd lets you add mobile-friendly navigation menus like hamburger menus that collapse to save space. You can customize the menu styling, animations, and behavior.

SeedProd mobile menu settings

Touch Targets

Ensure all tappable elements like buttons and links have large enough click/touch areas to be easily activated on mobile screens (at least 48px).

Mobile and spacing options for touch targets

SeedProd’s blocks let you adjust padding and spacing as needed.

Optimize Media

Large images and videos can slow down mobile load times. Use lazy loading and compression tools to optimize media assets.

Image compression

Visual Hierarchy

Use SeedProd’s layout blocks like sections, columns, and spacing to establish a logical content flow and hierarchy that’s easy to scan on small screens.

Mobile layout navigation

The Layout Navigation option is an excellent way to visualize how well your mobile landing page flows.

Besides customizing individual elements, SeedProd also allows you to add pre-built sections optimized for mobile like sticky headers/footers, expandable FAQ areas, tabbed content, and more.

Landing page sections

For instance, adding a FAQ section is an excellent way to provide users with answers to common questions. The answer dropdowns expand and collapse with a single click, saving space on the page and making the user experience better for mobile browsers.

add a FAQ section to your mobile landing page

Besides, FAQ sections can help reduce cart abandonment and increase your conversion rates.

Expert Tip

Consider adding a click-to-call button to your page so users browsing from a mobile phone can simply tap a button to call you right away.

Continue adding content to your page until you’re happy with how everything looks. Then click the green Save button in the top-right corner to store your settings.

Step 4. Configure Your Settings

Another thing I love about SeedProd is its ability to integrate with various third-party automation tools and applications. You can connect your landing page to Google Analytics to monitor your performance and even link to your email marketing service to grow your email list.

Connect Your Email Marketing Service

To connect to an app or service, click the Connect tab at the top of your page. From there, you’ll see the services you can integrate with.

Connect to an email marketing service with SeedProd

For instance, to link to your Constant Contact email list, it’s as simple as clicking the Constant Contact image and following the instructions.

Connect landing page to constant contact

When anyone signs up via your landing page, you can see them in your SeedProd dashboard by navigating to SeedProd » Subscribers, regardless of whether you integrate an email marketing service.

SeedProd landing page subscribers overview

This is an excellent solution if you’re just starting and don’t want to commit to a specific provider just yet, as it lets you get precise visual data on page subscriber counts and new subscribers over time.

Configure Page Settings

Now, look at your landing page settings by clicking the Page Settings tab. In the General settings, you can change your page’s name and URL, published status, and activate Isolation Mode.

SeedProd landing page settings

Isolation Mode removes any unnecessary code from loading on your page to make it faster. It only loads the information needed to render your page to users. Enabling this mode should help to remove any WordPress theme or plugin conflicts.

The following tabs allow you to edit your landing page’s SEO and Analytics settings.

Landing page analytics settings

Then, the Scripts tab lets you paste custom header, body, and footer scripts. This is useful for retargeting page visitors with your Facebook Tracking pixel, etc.

Step 5. Preview & Publish Your Mobile Landing Page

Before publishing your landing page, you’ll want to make sure it’s mobile-friendly. People will bounce away from your page if your page elements aren’t mobile responsive and don’t offer an excellent mobile user experience.

You can check how your landing page looks on mobile devices with the Mobile Preview option.

preview your landing page in mobile

To begin with, find the mobile phone icon at the bottom of your page and click it to see the mobile or tablet versions of your page.

Preview of landing page on mobile devices

As you can see, your design now displays in a single column for mobile screens. However, if anything doesn’t look mobile-friendly, you can adjust it right inside the page preview.

Finally, after checking that your landing page looks great on mobile devices, it’s time to make it live.

Next to the green Save button, you’ll see an arrow. Here, you can click the arrow to save your page as a template to use later or click Publish.

publish your mobile landing page

After clicking Publish, you’ll see a window telling you your landing page is now published.

your mobile landing page has been published

Now, click the See Live Page button to see how it looks.

Here’s the final version of a page I created on my test website:

Mobile landing page final example

Mobile Landing Page Examples & Inspiration

Check out these best mobile landing page examples I’ve found if you need some inspiration before designing your page.

1. Bugaboo

Bugaboo mobile landing page example

First is a mobile page example from Bugaboo, an online retailer of products for babies and children. I like how their landing page design has a single-column layout and is clean, modern, and easy to navigate from any device.

2. Etsy

As you can see, Etsy hides the page’s navigation menu from the main page with a mobile menu. The images are crystal clear, and the buttons are large enough for shoppers to tap.

Etsy mobile landing page example

In addition, the search box spans the entire width of the mobile page, making it much easier to tap on smaller screens.

3. Slack

Slack mobile landing page example

I particularly love Slack’s mobile landing page because they have tailored it to the user’s device. Since I used an iPhone, they personalized the page for the Apple store.

That approach is an excellent way to target specific audiences. And since the page suits that audience’s needs, they’re more likely to convert.

4. Maped Helix

Maped Helix mobile landing page example

Maped Helix has a crisp mobile landing page design that leaves nothing to chance. It features a sticky bar at the top of the page to encourage users to subscribe and clearly labeled CTA buttons directing users to popular sections of their site.

Even better, the CTA button colors vary by importance, with the bolder color indicating which button users should click first.

5. Evernote

Evernote keeps things simple with this example. The call to action is clear, actionable and the page loads lightning fast. Given that the page has virtually no imagery, it’s surprisingly eye-catching.

A text-only mobile landing page may not be the best solution for everyone, but they’re effective for the right brands.

6. Headspace

Headspace mobile landing page example

The Headspace mobile landing page utilizes large, legible text combined with ample whitespace for a clean, focused experience that draws your attention to their primary call-to-action.

Mobile Landing Page FAQs

What Is a Mobile Landing Page?
A mobile landing page is a web page specifically designed for mobile devices. Unlike regular web pages, which often contain multiple sections and navigation options, mobile landing pages are laser-focused on a single goal. This could be capturing leads, driving sales, promoting app downloads, or any other specific action you want visitors to take.
What Are the Types of Mobile Landing Pages and their Purpose?
The primary purpose of a mobile landing page is to convert visitors into customers or leads. To achieve this, they are typically designed with minimal distractions, clear calls to action, and a streamlined user experience optimized for smaller screens.

There are several types of mobile landing pages, each serving a unique purpose:

Squeeze Pages: Collect email addresses or other contact information in exchange for a lead magnet, such as an ebook or discount code.

Click-Through Pages: Warm up potential customers by providing them with additional information about a product or service before directing them to a sales page.

Lead Capture Pages: Collect leads through forms, often in conjunction with a content upgrade or webinar registration.

Sales Pages: Sell a product or service directly, with a strong focus on the benefits and features.
Why Are Mobile Landing Pages Essential for Your Business?
According to Statista, there are over 6.93 billion smartphone users in the world, and 69% of people use their mobile devices for product research. This makes mobile landing pages essential for businesses that want to succeed in today’s mobile-first landscape.

Here’s why you need to prioritize mobile landing pages:

Improved User Experience: Mobile-optimized design ensures that visitors can easily navigate and interact with your content, leading to a positive user experience.

Higher Conversion Rates: By focusing on a single goal and minimizing distractions, mobile landing pages can significantly increase conversion rates compared to standard web pages.

Better Mobile SEO: Search engines favor mobile-friendly landing pages, improving your visibility in mobile search results.

Increased Brand Credibility: Providing a seamless mobile experience demonstrates that your business is modern and attentive to customer needs.

By investing in mobile landing pages, you can tap into the 6.93 billion smartphone users worldwide and drive significant growth for your business.

Next, More Mobile-Friendly Tips

I hope this guide has equipped you with the knowledge and best practices needed to create high-converting, mobile-friendly landing pages for your WordPress website.

By adopting a mobile-first mindset, optimizing for performance, and leveraging responsive design techniques, you can ensure your landing pages provide a seamless user experience that drives more leads and sales from the ever-growing mobile audience.

If you liked this article, you may find these additional mobile-friendly design tips helpful:

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Stacey Corrin Writer
Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.

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