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How to Add a Meet The Team Page to WordPress

How to Add a Meet The Team Page to WordPress 

Written By: author image Stacey Corrin
author image Stacey Corrin
Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.
     Reviewed By: Turner John
reviewer image Turner John
John Turner is the co-founder of SeedProd. He has over 20+ years of business and development experience and his plugins have been downloaded over 25 million times.

Do you want to add a meet the team page to your WordPress website?

With a meet the team page or section on your website, visitors can learn more about the team behind your small business. This can help you look more professional, transparent, and trustworthy to potential customers.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create a meet the team page on your WordPress site step-by-step.

Table of Contents

Why Have a Meet the Team Page on Your Website?

Having a high-quality meet the team page on your WordPress website can offer several benefits:

  • Personalization: A meet the team page allows you to showcase the people behind your business or creative agency, making it feel more personal and approachable to your audience.
  • Transparency: By showcasing the faces and backgrounds of your team members, you are demonstrating openness and trust in your business practices.
  • Building Trust: Introducing your team members can help build trust and credibility with your audience, especially if you provide biographical information and professional credentials.
  • Employee morale: Showcasing your team members can boost employee morale, as they feel recognized and valued by your organization or digital agency.
  • Improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Including individual team member pages with unique content can also improve your website’s search engine optimization, as it provides additional pages for search engines to index.

In conclusion, a meet the team page can improve your website’s personalization, transparency, trust, employee morale, and SEO.

Meet The Team Page Examples

If you need examples of how an effective team page looks, you’re in the right place. Below you’ll find some excellent meet the team page examples to inspire your website design.

1. Awesome Motive

Awesome Motive meet the team page example

Awesome Motive includes team sections on its homepage and about page to help website visitors understand the company’s culture and ethos. The team section features a grid of individual team members’ profile pictures and a label highlighting that member’s location worldwide.

The benefit of this approach is that it demonstrates one of the core aspects of the company – that it’s a globally distributed team.

2. Digital Marmalade

Digital Marmalade meet the team page example

The award-winning digital marketing agency Digital Marmalade has a creative team page with a fun and vibrant design. The team headshots are again shown in a uniform grid matching the web design.

However, where this page design differs is with the animation effect. Instead of sending visitors to a different page, each image flips to reveal a tabbed layout with information about members’ industry, personal, and superhero details.

3. Etsy

Etsy Meet the team page example

Etsy’s team page features high-quality images of its leadership team. Each headshot includes the individual’s name and job title, and when you click it, you’ll head to a dedicated page to learn more information.

Further down the page is a massive section with individual team photos from the rest of the company’s employees. When you hover your cursor over each picture, it has a spotlight effect, making the image stand out.

4. Atlassian

Atlassian meet the team page example

Atlassian’s meet our team page also has 2 team sections for its leadership and board of directors. The leadership section has hover effects for each headshot, and when you click each photo, you’ll see a popup with more information and social media links.

The board of directors section features smaller team photos, names, job titles, and links to their Twitter and LinkedIn profiles.

Atlassian board of directors section

5. Humaan

Humaan meet the team page example

We love this meet the team page example from Humaan, a creative graphic design agency. It has a fun and quirky design that perfectly reflects the company’s personality. 

Each team member’s photo is an animated GIF with a brief name and description. The landing page also includes further team photographs and contact information.

Humaan team members section

Now that you have a good idea of how an engaging meet the team page looks, let’s learn how to make one for your WordPress site.

How Do You Create a Meet the Team Page in WordPress?

One of the easiest ways to create a meet the team page in WordPress is with a drag-and-drop page builder. Sure, you can use the default WordPress block editor to build your team page, but you’ll find it lacks the customization options to design the best possible page.

SeedProd WordPress website builder

WordPress page builders like SeedProd, include countless customization features that make tailoring every part of your page a breeze without CSS or HTML. Plus, they have a visual user interface that lets you see changes to your design in real-time.

SeedProd, in particular, offers the following powerful features:

  • Visual drag-and-drop page builder
  • WordPress theme builder
  • Mobile-responsive page templates
  • Point-and-click customization options
  • Live mobile previews
  • Coming soon & maintenance mode
  • Email marketing integrations
  • Built-in subscriber management
  • And much more.

Because of these beginner-friendly features, we’ll use SeedProd to create a meet the team page in WordPress. So, follow the steps below to dive in.

Step 1. Install and Activate SeedProd

First, head over to SeedProd’s pricing page to get started and download the plugin to your computer. Next, you’ll need to install the plugin on your WordPress website.

If you need help with this, you can see our instructions on installing the SeedProd plugin. This guide will also show you how to activate your SeedProd license to unlock your premium features.

Step 2. Choose a WordPress Template

After installing SeedProd, you’ll need to decide how you’d like to customize your WordPress site. You can either create a new WordPress theme to replace your current web design or use the page builder to make individual landing page pages.

If you want to take this approach, you can follow these steps to create a landing page with SeedProd.

For this tutorial, we’ll use the Theme Builder to build a complete website design instantly, then customize each part of the theme with the drag-and-drop editor. To follow along, head to SeedProd » Theme Builder and click the Theme Template Kits button.

Theme template kits SeedProd

On the following screen, you’ll find various website templates with everything you need to build a complete WordPress website. You can filter them by clicking the dropdown menu or using the search box to find a template by keyword.

SeedProd theme template kits

When you find a template you like, hover over it and click the checkmark icon.

Choose a template

SeedProd will instantly import the template and show all its parts on the Theme Builder dashboard.

Template parts seedprod

As you can see, each template part is fully customizable. You can also change the conditions for each template, so they only show up where you want them to appear.

For example, you can make multiple sidebar templates and only show them on specific parts of your website.

Step 3. Create a Team Page

Now go ahead and visit the Pages » All Pages screen. On this page, you’ll see the different content pages that came with your website kit, such as Services, Contact, Work, Blog, and more.

For this guide, we will customize the About Us page and turn it into a meet the team page. To do this, click the Edit with SeedProd link.

Edit page with SeedProd

Step 4. Customize Your Meet the Team Page

The page will open in SeedProd’s drag-and-drop builder, with a live preview on the right and blocks, sections, and settings on the left.

SeedProd page builder interface

This is where you can edit your team page and customize its design. Doing so is incredibly easy; click any design element on the preview, and its settings will open on the left-hand side of your screen for you to edit.

For example, you can click the headline element and change the header to something like “Meet the Team” in the text box on the left.

Headline block settings

If you scroll down the page, you’ll see that this template already includes sections for team member information.

Template team section

However, these sections use multiple design elements, including images, headlines, and text blocks. Chances are you’ll want to add more information to these areas, such as links to each individual’s social media accounts.

That’s why we will replace this section with SeedProd’s Team Member block. Simply drag the block from the left-hand sidebar and drag it into place on your page.

SeedProd team member block

From there, you can customize the block settings to include details about your team. You can upload a headshot, add a designation or job title, and have a description with more information.

Team member block settings

Further settings include changing the image shape and customizing or hiding the separator.

Team member image and separator settings

Additionally, you can add each team member’s social media links so visitors can view their social updates.

Team member social media icon settings

For even more customization options, click the Advanced tab. Here, you can change the size and color of the different text elements, adjust the block’s background color, add a border, spacing, and more.

Advanced team member block settings

Now, let’s add more Team Member blocks for the rest of your team.

However, to make the process faster, you can hover over the block you just created and click the duplicate icon. An exact copy of the block will appear beneath the original with your unique customizations.

Duplicate SeedProd team member block

From there, you can drag it anywhere and click to add info about the next team member.

Edit the duplicated team member block

Repeat this step for the rest of your team members. When you’re happy with your design, you can go ahead and delete any blocks you no longer need by clicking the trashcan icon.

Delete blocks you don't need

Now you can click the Save button at the top of the page to save your changes. And if your page isn’t already, you can click the dropdown and select Publish.

Save and publish your meet the team page

If you’re making your team page using the Landing Page Builder, you won’t need to take any more steps. Your page should be live on your website.

However, if you’re using the Theme Builder, you’ll need to customize the rest of your site, including your blog page, homepage, header, footer, and any other sections.

After that, you can follow the final step below to publish your theme.

Step 5. Publish Your Team Members Page in WordPress

From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to SeedProd » Theme Builder and find the Enable SeedProd Theme toggle. Now click the toggle until it says Yes.

enable seedprod theme

Your new WordPress theme is live on your website. You can now visit your team member page to see how it looks.

Final WordPress meet the team page example


In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to create a meet the team page in WordPress. Now, you can improve your company’s trust, credibility, and conversions.

With SeedProd, creating any WordPress page is effortless. Its beginner-friendly interface and extensive customization options allow any business to build the perfect WordPress site without code.

Before you go, you may also like this helpful list of the best business phone systems for WordPress.

Thanks for reading! We’d love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to leave a comment with any questions and feedback.

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Stacey Corrin Writer
Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.

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