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SeedProd announcement: Import/export and device visibility updates

NOVAS atualizações de importação/exportação e visibilidade de dispositivos para o SeedProd 

Escrito por: avatar do autor Stacey Corrin
avatar do autor Stacey Corrin
Stacey escreve sobre WordPress e marketing digital há mais de 10 anos e sobre outros tópicos há muito mais tempo. Além disso, ela é fascinada por web design, experiência do usuário e SEO.
     Avaliado por: reviewer avatar Turner John
reviewer avatar Turner John
John Turner é o cofundador da SeedProd. Ele tem mais de 20 anos de experiência em negócios e desenvolvimento e seus plug-ins foram baixados mais de 25 milhões de vezes.

Our mission at SeedProd is to make building WordPress sites easy, fast, and stress-free. We’re back with another groundbreaking new feature release to revolutionize your workflow.

SeedProd 6.11 will make creating new projects faster, help you get more from existing designs, ensure consistency, and improve website loading speeds.

Let’s jump in and look at all the details:

Import/Export SeedProd Themes and Landing Pages

First, we’re excited to announce that all users can now import and export SeedProd themes and landing pages with a few clicks. Even if your theme includes custom WooCommerce product pages, SeedProd will export the whole theme, ready for you to import onto another WordPress website.

Arquivos de temas de importação e exportação do SeedProd

This doesn’t only work on new SeedProd sites, either. You can import themes and landing pages onto sites you already work with, allowing you to refresh a site design quickly.

SeedProd import export landing page

Make Blueprints for Different Industries

The websites you build for specific industries likely share similar pages, features, and elements:

With SeedProd, you can make custom website blueprints tailored to the industry you serve. As a result, you can import the blueprint and adjust the content to create a brand new, unique website for future clients.

SeedProd import website files

Plus, with this feature, it will take just a few seconds to create secure backups of your website designs and keep them safe on your computer.  

Create a Marketing Toolkit

Digital marketers design landing pages to produce measurable results like click-through rates and conversion rates. Because of that, they share similarities across industries.

As you create and test more landing pages, you’ll learn which elements generate the best results, such as:

  • Formulário Optin
  • Animated headline
  • Depoimentos
  • Botão CTA

You can use that information to create optimized landing pages for other projects. They’ll need a few changes to fit your new campaign, and then you’re ready to take them live.

Páginas de destino de importação do SeedProd

For example, if you have a landing page promoting a webinar, you can quickly export it and add it to another website. You can then make a few customizations and in just a few minutes, you have another landing page ready to promote your next online event.

Import, export, and reuse landing pages with seedprod

Design WooCommerce Website Frameworks

Chances are, you rarely settle for the basic WooCommerce setup. With SeedProd, customizing WooCommerce shop and product pages can be as easy as clicking a button.

You can build a complete WooCommerce site framework that includes the layout and branding of your online store after customizing it with SeedProd. After, you can hit Export and import your next eCommerce project with everything in place.

Create WooCommerce website frameworks

Change Device Visibility for Sections, Rows, and Columns

Next up are improvements to SeedProd’s mobile and desktop visibility options. 

In the past, SeedProd’s Device Visibility feature allowed you to show and hide specific content on mobile or desktop devices.

While that’s an excellent way to fine-tune your site design, we knew we could offer more flexibility. To help, we’ve extended the Device Visibility feature to Sections, Rows, and Columns.

Now you can click on any Section, Row, or Column in the page builder and toggle an option to either show or hide it on your site’s mobile or desktop version.

75% of smartphone owners turn to search first to address their immediate needs. When shoppers click your site in search results, does it give them what they need right away?

Let’s say you have a massive hero section on your homepage. It’ll likely take up loads of space on mobile screens, making it harder for users to find the right information.

With Section visibility settings, you can hide it on mobile with a single click.

SeedProd hide section on mobile device

The section is grayed out in the mobile preview, indicating that it won’t appear to mobile visitors, improving the user experience instantly.

SeedProd section hidden on mobile devices

You can even use this approach to create completely different layouts for mobile and desktop visitors. For instance, you can give desktop users the whole browsing experience and create a minimal, more streamlined design for mobile, and vice versa.

SeedProd device visibility hide column on desktop

What if you have an offer you only want to promote to desktop users? In the visibility settings, you can hide that offer on mobile, ensuring only desktop visitors can see it.

SeedProd hide columns on mobile devices

Sneak Peek: Full Websites Coming Soon

If that wasn’t enough excitement for one update, we have some more good news coming up. We’re currently working on a feature that allows you to create even bigger sites with SeedProd.

Soon you’ll be able to import a template or website design and automatically create content pages like:

  • Sobre
  • Teams
  • Contato
  • Serviços

That will not only help you create more feature-rich sites, but it also means we can work on releasing entire website template kits for any industry.

Custom team page

We’ve released 3 of those themes today:

We can’t wait to bring more of these to you soon.

That’s it for today.

Here’s a quick recap of SeedProd’s exciting new update for all users:

  • You can import and export themes and landing pages
  • Sections, rows, and columns have mobile and desktop visibility settings
  • Full websites are coming soon

We’ll share more exciting things with you soon, so make sure to keep an eye out for the next announcement. 

Until then, you can contact us for help with any of these updates. Just drop us a line, and we’ll walk you through getting started.

As always, thank you for helping us make SeedProd the best website builder for WordPress.

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Stacey Corrin Escritor
Stacey escreve sobre WordPress e marketing digital há mais de 10 anos e sobre outros tópicos há muito mais tempo. Além disso, ela é fascinada por web design, experiência do usuário e SEO.

Divulgação: Nosso conteúdo é apoiado pelo leitor. Isso significa que, se você clicar em alguns de nossos links, poderemos receber uma comissão. Recomendamos apenas produtos que acreditamos que agregarão valor aos nossos leitores.