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SeedProd announcement Before After Toggle and Counter block

Apresentando os novos blocos Antes Depois e Contador para aumentar suas conversões 

Escrito por: avatar do autor Stacey Corrin
avatar do autor Stacey Corrin
Stacey escreve sobre WordPress e marketing digital há mais de 10 anos e sobre outros tópicos há muito mais tempo. Além disso, ela é fascinada por web design, experiência do usuário e SEO.
     Avaliado por: reviewer avatar Turner John
reviewer avatar Turner John
John Turner é o cofundador da SeedProd. Ele tem mais de 20 anos de experiência em negócios e desenvolvimento e seus plug-ins foram baixados mais de 25 milhões de vezes.

We’re releasing a new update for SeedProd today, and with it, we’re excited to introduce 2 powerful WordPress blocks designed to captivate your website visitors.

Introducing the Before After Toggle and Counter blocks!

Anyone with a paid SeedProd plan can now display an interactive before and after image slider and number counter using only the drag-and-drop interface you’re familiar with: no coding required!

Let’s take a look at how these new WordPress blocks can help you design more compelling website layouts and showcase your products and services.

Increase Engagement Through Interaction

With the Before After Toggle, you can offer website visitors an interactive experience that increases engagement with your content. More engagement can boost interest in your products or services, improve the decision-making process, and as a result, convert curious visitors into paying customers.

For example, shoppers interested in a new beauty treatment may need evidence your product works before buying.

With a before and after slider, you can offer side-by-side examples of your product’s effectiveness before and after using it on a customer. This can ease hesitant shoppers’ concerns and give them enough evidence to complete the purchase.

This type of interactive feature typically requires help from a web developer. But with our help, you can create compelling before and after sliders with just a few clicks.

SeedProd Before After Toggle

Like any SeedProd block, you’ll find several customization options to perfect your design. You can set a vertical or horizontal layout, choose an overlay color, move the slider on hover, and individually choose alignment settings for mobile and desktop.

There are so many ways to use the Before After Toggle for your business website. For example, if you’re campaigning for climate change, you can demonstrate the changes global warming has on nature, the transformation of remote tribes, restoration results, and much more.

Vertical Before After Toggle example

Alternatively, you can show how:

  • Your dental practice has restored a mouthful of crooked teeth
  • You’ve transformed an abandoned building into a beautiful home
  • Your artwork has improved over the years

Showcase Your Business Achievements

Social proof is evidence that other people have purchased and found value in a product or service offered by a business. But did you know that social proof can be more than testimonials and product reviews?

Quantifiable data like “Over 150,000 customers” is just as effective at building trust, conveying value, and improving conversions. It shows that your business has a large customer base, and you know what you’re doing because you work with so many people.

We want to make it as easy as possible to build trust among your visitors, so we’re also releasing the Counter block today. It lets you highlight your company’s most impressive statistics in seconds.

Bloco do contador SeedProd

You can enter starting and ending numbers for your counter, along with number prefixes and suffixes. Plus, specifying an animation duration lets you engage visitors with animation effects.

With advanced styling options for mobile and desktop devices and color and font settings, the Counter block is 100% mobile responsive and customizable, ensuring visitors on any device will have a seamless experience.

Opções avançadas de personalização do bloco de contador

The Counter block offers an effortless way to prove your expertise. Here are some examples to get you started:

  • Show the number of customers recommending your products
  • Highlight how many books you’ve published
  • Showcase how many projects you’ve completed
SeedProd animated counter block

Try Our New Website Kits

Besides these exciting new WordPress blocks, we’re also busy designing new templates for your web design projects. Since our last announcement, we’ve added 11 new Website Kits, including:

  • Loja de flores (WooCommerce)
  • Portfólio de freelancer
  • Consultor de marketing
  • Site do restaurante
  • Produtos de beleza (WooCommerce)
  • Agency Website 
  • Headphone Shop (WooCommerce)
  • Fashion Store (WooCommerce)
  • Photography Portfolio
  • Convite de casamento
  • Blog de viagens
Novos kits do site da SeedProd

You can preview any of these kits by visiting our Templates page or the templates library in your SeedProd plugin dashboard.

Atualize seu plug-in SeedProd hoje mesmo

That’s all for now. Update your site to the latest version of SeedProd today to try these new exciting changes.

Remember: these blocks are for paid SeedProd plans, so if you haven’t already, upgrade now to take these features for a spin.

As ever, when we release a new feature, we’re always busy working on the next one, so keep an eye out for the next big reveal.

Se tiver dúvidas sobre esses recursos, não hesite em entrar em contato com nossa equipe de suporte ao cliente. Estamos sempre prontos para ajudar.

Somos muito gratos por seu apoio, sugestões e feedback. Por favor, continue recebendo-os. Nosso compromisso de tornar o SeedProd o melhor construtor de sites em WordPress está ficando cada vez mais forte à medida que continuamos a vencer junto com nossos clientes.

avatar do autor
Stacey Corrin Escritor
Stacey escreve sobre WordPress e marketing digital há mais de 10 anos e sobre outros tópicos há muito mais tempo. Além disso, ela é fascinada por web design, experiência do usuário e SEO.

Divulgação: Nosso conteúdo é apoiado pelo leitor. Isso significa que, se você clicar em alguns de nossos links, poderemos receber uma comissão. Recomendamos apenas produtos que acreditamos que agregarão valor aos nossos leitores.