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Apresentando as páginas de login personalizadas do SeedProd + 9 novos modelos

Apresentando as páginas de login personalizadas do SeedProd + 9 novos modelos 

Escrito por: avatar do autor Stacey Corrin
avatar do autor Stacey Corrin
Stacey escreve sobre WordPress e marketing digital há mais de 10 anos e sobre outros tópicos há muito mais tempo. Além disso, ela é fascinada por web design, experiência do usuário e SEO.
     Avaliado por: reviewer avatar Turner John
reviewer avatar Turner John
John Turner é o cofundador da SeedProd. Ele tem mais de 20 anos de experiência em negócios e desenvolvimento e seus plug-ins foram baixados mais de 25 milhões de vezes.

The default WordPress login page isn’t very welcoming, is it? It’s like a dull back door rather than a welcoming red carpet.

The way you welcome people to your site matters. It builds anticipation, telling people there’s something valuable waiting inside. Yet, rolling out the red carpet isn’t easy if you have limited design and coding experience.

That’s why we’re excited to announce that, from today, SeedProd Pro users can create stunning custom login pages with our Login Page Mode.

Custom Login Pages for WordPress

With SeedProd’s new Login Page Mode, you can transform your WordPress login screen from this:

Default WordPress login page

To something like this:

SeedProd custom login page

It works in just the same way as our coming soon, maintenance mode and 404 page modes. Just switch the login page mode to active and customize it in our drag and drop editor.

A custom login page makes it much easier to have consistent branding across your entire website. It’s also an ideal opportunity to tell people what you want them to do.

For example, you can use social profile buttons to encourage users to follow your social channels. You can even use the space to cross-promote relevant products and services.

Check out the login page documentation for further details.

Login Landing Page Block

You’re not limited to adding login forms to your login page either. SeedProd’s new login block lets you put login forms on any landing page.

This gives you so many ways to improve your landing pages.

Want to let users sign in after registering for your new course? Just drag the login form block onto your existing thank you page.

SeedProd custom login thank you page

You could even create a custom sign-up page with the option for existing users to sign in.

Check out the Login Block documentation to learn how to use it.

9 New Login Page Templates

To go with our Login Page Mode and Login Block release, we’ve also added a bunch of brand new login page templates to the SeedProd library.

Here’s a quick preview:

SeedProd login page templates

There are 9 new templates in total, which as a Pro user of SeedProd, you can instantly access and customize.

That’s it for now. But there’s so much more to come in the future, so keep an eye out.

Se você ainda não estiver usando o SeedProd, clique aqui para começar hoje mesmo!

And thank you for your continued support in helping us make SeedProd the best landing page builder for WordPress.

avatar do autor
Stacey Corrin Escritor
Stacey escreve sobre WordPress e marketing digital há mais de 10 anos e sobre outros tópicos há muito mais tempo. Além disso, ela é fascinada por web design, experiência do usuário e SEO.

Divulgação: Nosso conteúdo é apoiado pelo leitor. Isso significa que, se você clicar em alguns de nossos links, poderemos receber uma comissão. Recomendamos apenas produtos que acreditamos que agregarão valor aos nossos leitores.