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SeedProd Testimonial und Akkordeon Blöcke + 9 NEUE Vorlagen

SeedProd Testimonial und Akkordeon Blöcke + 9 NEUE Vorlagen 

Geschrieben von: Autorenavatar Stacey Corrin
Autorenavatar Stacey Corrin
Stacey schreibt seit über 10 Jahren über WordPress und digitales Marketing und noch viel länger über andere Themen. Darüber hinaus ist sie fasziniert von Webdesign, Benutzererfahrung und SEO.
     Bewertet von: reviewer avatar Turner John
reviewer avatar Turner John
John Turner ist der Mitbegründer von SeedProd. Er verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Geschäfts- und Entwicklungserfahrung und seine Plugins wurden über 25 Millionen Mal heruntergeladen.

Did you know that 92% of customers read online reviews before buying? Positive testimonials and reviews not only increase people’s trust in your business but can also impact your conversions.

This is why we’re excited to announce the release of SeedProd’s new Testimonial landing page block!

There’s more…

We’ve also released our Accordion block and 9 stunning new landing page templates for SeedProd Pro users.

Let’s dive in and take a look!

With our new Testimonial block, you can add eye-catching customer reviews anywhere on your landing page.

SeedProd testimonial landing page block

In the testimonial Content panel you can add as many testimonials as you like, and give each review a custom image, name, and title. You can also change the alignment and enable comment bubbles to make it stand out.

The Carousel Settings, turn your testimonials into a slideshow that scrolls automatically, saving users from clicking through manually.

This is a fantastic way to show potential customers how others enjoy your products and services. You can even combine testimonials with our Star Rating block for even more social proof.

Testimonial and star rating landing page block seedprod

To learn how to use this new feature, check out the testimonial block documentation.

Customizable Accordion Block

Adding too much information to your landing pages can look messy and distracting. An easy way to combat this is with user-friendly accordions.

SeedProd’s new Accordion block lets you consolidate information into a single system. They’re similar to tabs but instead display items in a vertical list and expand and collapse items with a single click.

SeedProd Akkordeon-Block für Landing Pages

In the block settings you can add multiple accordion items, change the expand and collapse icons, and control your color and typography settings.

This is an excellent way to free up valuable space on your landing page, while offering a seamless user-experience.

For instance, you can use accordions to create an interactive FAQ section or even explain which steps visitors should take next.

SeedProd accordion block for  landing page FAQ

To see a complete guide on using this block, see our accordion block documentation.

9 New Landing Page Templates

If 2 new blocks wasn’t enough, we’re also releasing 9 shiny new landing page templates.

This includes:

  • 4 Maintenance mode templates
  • 2 Coming soon page templates
  • 2 404 page templates
  • 1 thank you page template

Hier ist eine kurze Vorschau:

New landing page templates for SeedProd page builder

As always, every template is 100% mobile-friendly and fully customizable in our drag and drop page builder.

All of today’s updates are available to SeedProd Pro users.

But that won’t be the last you hear from us. We’ve got some amazing new features coming up in the future, so stay tuned!

Don’t want to miss out?

Click here to get started with SeedProd today!

And thank you for helping us make SeedProd the best landing page builder for WordPress.

Stacey Corrin Autorin
Stacey schreibt seit über 10 Jahren über WordPress und digitales Marketing und noch viel länger über andere Themen. Darüber hinaus ist sie fasziniert von Webdesign, Benutzererfahrung und SEO.

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