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[NEU] SeedProd Drag and Drop Landing Page Builder ist da + Neue Vorlagen und mehr!

[NEU] SeedProd Drag and Drop Landing Page Builder ist da + Neue Vorlagen und mehr! 

Geschrieben von: Autorenavatar Stacey Corrin
Autorenavatar Stacey Corrin
Stacey schreibt seit über 10 Jahren über WordPress und digitales Marketing und noch viel länger über andere Themen. Darüber hinaus ist sie fasziniert von Webdesign, Benutzererfahrung und SEO.
     Bewertet von: reviewer avatar Turner John
reviewer avatar Turner John
John Turner ist der Mitbegründer von SeedProd. Er verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Geschäfts- und Entwicklungserfahrung und seine Plugins wurden über 25 Millionen Mal heruntergeladen.

For years SeedProd has been the No 1 Coming Soon Page and Maintenance Mode plugin for WordPress.

But we wanted to do more to help website owners…

That’s why today, we’re excited to announce the launch of the new and improved SeedProd Landing Page Builder plugin.

It has all the features you’ve grown to love from the old version of SeedProd, such as the ability to create coming soon and maintenance mode pages.

But we’ve also added a whole lot more.

Check it out!

Drag and Drop WordPress Landing Page Builder

Wir haben den alten SeedProd-Builder überarbeitet, um Ihnen einen blitzschnellen Drag-and-Drop-Seiten-Builder zu bieten, mit dem Sie jede Art von Landing Page mühelos erstellen können.

New SeedProd drag and drop landing page builder

The improved visual builder has everything you need to design landing pages with no developer required.

With the new Revision History feature, you can go back to any previously saved point and see who made the changes. This makes it easier to compare page versions and revert changes whenever needed.

WordPress landing page builder version control and revisions

You can also see how your page looks while it’s in any state, draft, live, or just testing. So even if you haven’t saved any changes, you can see a live preview for both desktop and mobile devices.

Live mobile and desktop landing page previews

Landing Page Specific Blocks

Our drag and drop content blocks are specially designed for landing pages.

Instead of cluttering the builder with unnecessary elements you’ll never use, we’ve provided the blocks that’ll help you create the highest-converting page.

landing page specific WordPress content blocks

That includes easy content blocks that give you the ability to:

  • Quickly add images to your page
  • Embed engaging video content
  • Insert eye-catching buttons
  • Create versatile rows and columns

As well as blocks dedicated to lead generation like optin-form, contact form, and giveaway blocks.

You can also customize these elements by choosing from one of the many block templates with a few quick clicks. For example, instead of a single button design option, you can create a vintage, flat, 2D, or Ghost button.

WordPress landing page block templates

Plus, there are over 20 color schemes and virtually unlimited font combinations to use throughout your page.

Intelligente Abschnitte

If you need to create a new page section, you won’t have to build it block by block.

Smart landing page content sections in WordPress

Just click one of the ready-made smart page sections to add a new Header, Hero, Call to Action, FAQ, Features, or Footer section to your landing page. Not to mention, each section comes with a variety of templates to suit your design needs.

Landing Page-Vorlagen

It’s not just the page builder that’s had a revamp either. We’ve also designed a stack of brand new landing page templates to help you get started.

WordPress landing page templates

This includes professionally designed templates for your:

  • Demnächst erscheinende Seite
  • Maintenance Mode Page
  • 404 Seite
  • Verkaufs-Landing Page
  • Webinar Registration Page
  • Lead Squeeze Page
  • Dankeseite

Each template is completely customizable with the visual page builder, so you won’t need any complex coding skills to get them looking how you want.

Third-Party Integrations

To help you connect to your favorite email marketing services and apps, we’ve made the integration process super-easy.

WordPress landing page integrations

Just click Connect from the page builder to access integrations for Constant Contact, Google Analytics, Zapier, and more.

SeedProd’s new landing page builder is unlike other WordPress page builders that slow down your website. 

The code that our plugin produces is completely bloat-free and as minimal as possible. This means your pages load faster, resulting in more potential conversions.

To learn about all the new features you can enjoy in SeedProd, check out the changelog.

That’s all for now, but we have lots in store for the future, so keep your eyes peeled.

Wenn Sie SeedProd noch nicht nutzen, klicken Sie hier, um noch heute damit zu beginnen!

Wie immer danken wir Ihnen für Ihre kontinuierliche Unterstützung, die uns hilft, SeedProd zum besten Landing Page Builder für WordPress zu machen.

Stacey Corrin Autorin
Stacey schreibt seit über 10 Jahren über WordPress und digitales Marketing und noch viel länger über andere Themen. Darüber hinaus ist sie fasziniert von Webdesign, Benutzererfahrung und SEO.

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