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Wir stellen vor: 4 neue SeedProd Landing Page-Vorlagen

Wir stellen vor: 4 neue SeedProd Landing Page-Vorlagen 

Geschrieben von: Autorenavatar Stacey Corrin
Autorenavatar Stacey Corrin
Stacey schreibt seit über 10 Jahren über WordPress und digitales Marketing und noch viel länger über andere Themen. Darüber hinaus ist sie fasziniert von Webdesign, Benutzererfahrung und SEO.
     Bewertet von: reviewer avatar Turner John
reviewer avatar Turner John
John Turner ist der Mitbegründer von SeedProd. Er verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Geschäfts- und Entwicklungserfahrung und seine Plugins wurden über 25 Millionen Mal heruntergeladen.

It’s been less than a month since we announced the new Domain Mapping feature for SeedProd. While we’re working hard on adding more big features, we’re also listening to what our users want. One of the biggest requests we’ve had more than any other has been more templates.

So today, if you’re a Pro user of SeedProd, you can get your hands on 4 brand new landing page templates.

Let’s take a look!

New Coming Soon Page Template

SeedProd fashion coming soon page template

Fashion Coming Soon is the latest addition to our collection of responsive coming soon page templates. It has a built-in countdown timer to generate excitement and social profile buttons to drive subscribers before you launch.

You can replace the full-width background image to showcase your brand’s personality. Plus, if you’re launching a new fashion store, all you need to do is add your own content and hit publish.

Don’t forget with SeedProd’s coming soon mode, you can give people a special link that lets them see your website without your coming soon page in place. This helps if you need to show clients a design you’re working on without showing it to the public.

New Maintenance Mode Template

SeedProd rain maintenance mode landing page template

Next up is Maintenance Rain, our new maintenance mode template. The minimalist design creates an ideal canvas for you to let website visitors know your site is temporarily unavailable.

You can easily swap out the main image with something more suited to your brand in the drag and drop builder. Plus, with plenty of white space available, you can make use of SeedProd’s sections and add a FAQ section to clear up any questions.

New Webinar Landing Page Template

Multi Purpose webinar landing page template

The new Multi Purpose webinar template is a fantastic way to promote your new online course.

The clearly defined sections help guide users down the page, providing all the information they need to sign up. Customize the header area with an introduction video and integrate your email marketing service to add new signups to your email list automatically.

New Lead Squeeze Page Template

Lead Squeeze Wait landing page template WordPress

Want to incentivize new signups with a special offer? The new Lead Squeeze Wait template is just what you need. It gets straight to the point with a short urgency-inducing headline and tells visitors exactly what they need to do.

Just add in a photo or graphic of your free ebook or swipe file, replace the logo with your own, and you’re ready to skyrocket your email list.

All of these new landing page templates are available for Pro and Elite SeedProd plans.

That’s all for now, but there’s a lot planned for the future, so keep a lookout.

Wenn Sie SeedProd noch nicht nutzen, klicken Sie hier, um noch heute damit zu beginnen!

Wie immer danken wir Ihnen für Ihre kontinuierliche Unterstützung, die uns hilft, SeedProd zum besten Landing Page Builder für WordPress zu machen.

Stacey Corrin Autorin
Stacey schreibt seit über 10 Jahren über WordPress und digitales Marketing und noch viel länger über andere Themen. Darüber hinaus ist sie fasziniert von Webdesign, Benutzererfahrung und SEO.

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