The EDD Template Tag blocks offer a powerful way to customize your single templates specifically designed for the Downloads post type.
Before you get started, ensure Easy Digital Downloads is installed on your website and some download products are published.
Create Single Template for the Downloads Post Type
Create a new template from Theme Builder > Add New Theme Template. Fill out any relevant Name to identify later, pick the type of Single Page, and include Download Post Type from the Conditions checkbox.

Using EDD Template Tag blocks
On the left panel in the Block section, you will find EDD Template Tags blocks. These blocks include Download Title, Featured Image, Price, Content, Add To Cart, Excerpt, and Instruction. Arrange these blocks according to your visual layout using drag and drop.

Template Tag Description
- Download Title: Displays the title of each download dynamically.
- Download Image: Dynamically displays the featured image of each download.
- Download Content: Dynamically displays the content of each download.
- Download Excerpt: Dynamically displays the excerpt of each download.
- Download Instructions: Dynamically displays the instructions of each download.
- Download Price: Dynamically displays the price of each download.
- Download Add To Cart: Add an Add to Cart block into your template.
With these EDD Template Tag blocks at your disposal, setting up EDD Templates in SeedProd becomes a breeze. Take advantage of these powerful tools and unlock the full potential of your EDD Templates in SeedProd!