Documentação do SeedProd

Documentação, materiais de referência e tutoriais para o SeedProd

Bloco de formulário de contato

SeedProd’s Contact Form block integrates with WPForms, facilitating hassle-free form creation and management on your SeedProd pages.

Requirements: The Contact Form block is available in all our license plans.

Note: SeedProd’s Contact Form block works seamlessly with WPForms. If you’re using another form plugin, simply insert their generated shortcodes into your pages using the Shortcode block.

Bloco WordPress do formulário de contato do SeedProd

Adding the Contact Form block to your pages

To include the Contact Form block on your pages, follow these steps:

  1. Navegue até Advanced > Contact Form e arraste o Formulário de contato na página.
    Contact Form block
  2. Depois de adicionar o bloco, clique no botão Formulário de contato block to access its settings. In the Conteúdo tab, you can choose a WPForms contact form you have created or create a new one. Additionally, explore Display Options to toggle the visibility of the form name and description.
    Contact Form Settings
  3. Dentro do Avançado tab, discover a range of options to enhance styles, spacing, attributes, and device visibility for your form.
  4. Once you have customized the Contact Form block to your requirements, remember to save your progress.

That’s it! By following these steps, you can incorporate the Contact Form block into your pages using SeedProd. This block facilitates a user-friendly way to create and manage forms tailored to your specific needs, ensuring streamlined communication with your audience.

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